Kristen Smeltzer

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#1 Spiritual Weapon for Financial Breakthrough

Generosity should be our lifestyle in want and in plenty, yet in times of financial hardship it isn’t the natural inclination of the heart. Anxiety and fear attacks us from all sides, tempting us to hoard. We fear that if we give to others, we won't have enough for ourselves. But in our seasons of lack, our answer is not to hole up in a defensive tower; the answer is to fight. One weapon in our arsenal is generosity.

Truth is found in God’s Word, not in our glaring circumstances or dire situations. And truth states we will reap bountifully if we sow bountifully (2 Corinthians 9:6). Long ago, I learned the principle of sowing what you need. This extends far beyond money. If you desire a good friend, be one. If you want mercy, extend it. Keep in mind that while reaping what you sow is a kingdom principle, God looks at the motives of the heart. He is looking for a heart that gives out of love, for without love we are nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2). Generosity touches the heart of God, and touching His heart is the cry of mine.

There is power in pouring out during times of great personal need, in giving out of lack versus out of plenty. My husband and I learned this principle through trials. In 1993, while living in California, someone was paying our mortgage, a hospital was supplying formula for our premature twins, and friends were buying our groceries. Though disheartened and despite our fears, we searched for creative ways to help others in need. For instance, I would periodically go through our young sons’ clothing to give away what no longer fit or was needed. We offered our home for birthday parties and hosted friends’ out-of-town guests. We learned something in this process.

Giving from lack demonstrates faith in a God who promises to supply all our needs. It says, “Though I am in need, I can be generous because I believe God to be. I can’t out-give God. I live from His economy, not this world’s.” Psalm 34:10 promises, “Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”

Giving as a key to breakthrough is a well-defined Biblical principle. A simple word study of “give” and “generous” leads to dozens of scriptures clarifying this truth. And our personal breakthrough was nothing shy of miraculous.

The first miracle happened when we brought our premature twins home from their two-week stay in the hospital. Because of severe toxemia, I had an emergency C-section five weeks early. Due to several complications, eight doctors attended my delivery. Afterwards, my sons spent two weeks in Neo-natal ICU. Even with insurance we owed twenty percent. Our portion was $23,000.

The bill had to be settled the day we brought the twins home. My husband, Richard, prayed as he walked to the billing counter. “What do I say, Lord? Please give me favor.”

After giving his name and telling the receptionist he was there to discuss our bill, she stated, “Your bill has been paid in full, sir.” Richard thanked her and walked away. To this day we don’t know how our bill was paid, but we do know by Whom it was paid. One of the names of God is Jehovah Jireh, my provider. And He manifested Himself as such on our behalf.

But this was only the beginning. During this time period, we acquired an unlisted home phone number due to prank calls. A couple weeks later, the phone rang. A man’s voice on the other end asked for Richard, requesting he fly to Texas for a job interview. When Richard asked how the man got our unlisted number and work credentials he responded, “From your headhunter." Richard didn't have a headhunter.

We kept this minor detail to ourselves, and Richard flew to Texas. He was hired on the car ride between the airport and the company office. An added blessing was, though this start-up company was based in Texas, we were allowed to stay in California.

This began a whirlwind of events. Within two years Richard was making more monthly than many make in a year. We would literally laugh when his paychecks arrived. In addition to our tithe, we were able to bless many people and support a couple of ministries.

Did this happen because we poured out during hardship? Can our “works” earn us a blessing? Make no mistake, it is by grace we are saved and by grace we receive gifts from a holy God. He can and will do extravagant things on our behalf—often when we have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. Yet it is a facet of God’s character to honor His word and promises, to abide by the very principles He has established. And one of those principles is the law of sowing and reaping.

God looks at the heart and knows its secrets. I believe it thrills Him to bless the hearts of those who hope in Him, no matter their circumstances. During the last thirteen years of personal drought, our family has lived off the savings of our previous blessing. Today we find ourselves struggling once again. Yet in God’s economy, we know mourning turns to dancing, ashes to beauty, and life springs forth from something once dead.

Many, like us, are suffering hard times. But take heart! With God not only some things, but all things are possible to him who believes (Matthew 19:26). It only takes one day for all things to become new. One day! He is the God of the suddenly, and in Him there is always a hope and a future.

How can we contend for breakthrough during financial trials? A generous spirit is one place to start.

“The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” ~ Proverbs 11:25

“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” ~ Luke 6:38


(All scripture taken from the New King James Version.)

15 Ways To Be Generous

During Financially Hard Times

1.    Go through things you are no longer in need of (like clothing, children’s unused toys, books, kitchen items, etc.). Either give them to friends, or take them to a local 2nd hand store that is attached to a ministry or good cause.

2.    Do you have a favorite family recipe? Make a meal or dessert. Either take it to someone who would enjoy it or invite them to share it with you.

3.    Open up your home for various purposes that work for your family.

4.    Do you have an area of expertise? Think of ways you can gift this or use it to bless people. (I tutored a teen in Algebra when we were struggling.)

5.    Do you have a special gift or talent? (Think of ways you can gift this, as well. Sing in someone’s wedding for free. Offer to make a flyer for someone in Canva. Offer to take someone’s photo. The ideas are as numerous as there are talents.)

6.    Do you have any creative ability? Gift a simple painting, embroidery, drawing, song, craft, woodworking, etc. to someone who would enjoy it.

7.    Teach someone how to do something new. (I invited the young neighbor girl over and gave her an embroidery lesson.)

8.    Are you physically strong? Mow your neighbor’s lawn. Help someone clean out their garage. Offer to do something handy around their house. Help a young mother do laundry, etc.

9.    Is your life busy, but you have someone in your life who craves quality time? Give them the gift of time. Set aside a good solid hour, at the very least, just to be with them—with no distractions. (Silence your phone and give them your undivided attention.)

10. Are you tech savvy? Help someone with a technical issue they are having.

11.  Are you good with words of encouragement? Go out of your way to be intentional with your words, wherever you go. Be generous with kindness. Compliment the young girl behind the counter who could be struggling with her appearance, etc. You could even spend time sending quick texts, DM’s, emails or placing calls to someone who comes to mind. Simply say a few ways that you love or value them.

One of my favorite ways to do this is simply to say, “Do you know what I see when I look at you?” Or, “Do you know what comes to mind when I think of you?” Then I tell them the beautiful and unique qualities they have.

12.  Is there any place you could volunteer? In your child’s classroom, Sunday School, at a community clean up day, etc.

13.  Visit some elderly in a Senior Home or Assisted Living. Even visit an elderly member of your own family and offer any help you can give.

14. Give the gift of friendship. Be on the lookout for someone new to town, a school, a church. I may even have a lonely neighbor. Invite them over for coffee. Take time to listen to their story.

15.  Come up with your own idea, according to your gifts, talents, strengths and resources. There is so much life in it. Be a blessing, and you will find blessing in the midst of it.  

What generosity example do you like the best, & how can you implement it?

Do you have another idea I have not thought of?